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Landscape and environment 1400 – 1450

Mud bricks production around 1450 (acted scene)

Tar distilleries for producing tar pitch as a sealant and lubricant required large amounts of beech wood. Charcoal burning processed wood into charcoal. The depletion of the forests was already evident but was not yet subject to any restrictions.

Klostergarten Franzburg, Zisterzienserkloster Neuenkamp
Franzburg Monastery Garden, Cistercian Monastery Neuenkamp

Tar distilleries for producing tar pitch as a sealant and lubricant required large amounts of beech wood. Müggenburger Teerofen is still the name of a locality near Torgelow. Charcoal burning processed wood into charcoal. The depletion of the forests was already evident but was not yet subject to any restrictions. Fire also destroys broad swathes of woodland.

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