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Landscape and environment 1350 up to 1400

near Dudendorf

Shipbuilding in the Hansa aspired to bigger ships and more of them. The wood came from indigenous forests. Keels and bulkheads were constructed from hard wood. Flexible coniferous wood was required for the planks. Demand remained stable due to the constant loss of ships.

Richtenberger See _(2013-07-09),_by_Klugschnacker_in_Wikipedia_(51) 340
Richtenberger See (© Klugschnacker via Wikimedia Commons [CC BY-SA 3.0])

Shipbuilding in the Hansa aspired to bigger ships and more of them. The wood came from indigenous forests. Keels and bulkheads were constructed from hard wood. Flexible coniferous wood was required for the planks. Demand remained stable due to the constant loss of ships.

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