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Dynasty 1500 up to 1550

A fourth with the portrait of Albrecht VII. 1532

Magnus‘ sons, Henry V. (“Henry the Peaceful”) and Albert VII. (“Albert the Handsome”), ruled the separate regions of Schwerin and Güstrow.

Herzog Philipp I. von Pommern-Wolgast 1546
Philipp I., Duke of Pomerania-Wolgast

George I. (1493-1531) and his brother Barnim IX. (1501-1573) initially continue the policies introduced by their father, Bogislaw the Great, under joint sovereignty. When George dies, his 16-year-old son Philipp I. (1515-1560) again divides the duchy in 1532, sharing territorial power with his uncle. Philipp is awarded Pomerania-Wolgast, while Pomerania-Stettin goes to his uncle.

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