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Trade and industry 1650 up to 1700

Herbergsschild der Kröpeliner Schuhmachergesellen
Hostel sign of the Kröpelin boot makers

Many of the unprotected small towns were burnt down during the Thirty Years’ War. Economic recession, plague epidemics, decline in population and the consequences of war contributed to the stagnation of towns. Crafts and trades were underdeveloped compared with Western Europe. Trade was oriented towards the internal market and the export of corn. The remaining overseas trade relocated to other areas. The Hanseatic League convened for the last time in 1669.

Wismar fell under Swedish rule and was uncoupled from trade with Mecklenburg.

Ackerbürgerstadt Ueckermünde um 1650, Lubinsche Karte
Ueckermünder Heath on the Lubin Map of 1618

Recession, the Plague, population erosion and the ravages of war contribute to the stagnation. Crafts and commerce are underdeveloped compared with elsewhere in western Europe. Trade in Swedish Pomerania centres mainly around the domestic market and exports of rye or malt. This is to the advantage of the port cities of Barth, Stralsund, Stettin, Greifswald and Wolgast. But exports otherwise relocate to other areas. The Hanseatic League meets for the last time in 1669.

The population also benefits from the occupation of Swedish Pomerania, as the Swedes are concerned to see the economy flourish in their territories along the southern reaches of the Baltic Sea coast.