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Trade and industry 1200 up to 1250

Treadwheel around 1250
(Reconstruction in Wismar)

Colonisation brought merchants and craftsmen to the country. Craftsmen organised in guilds became established in towns. They worked in highly specialised professions and often had export ambitions. Lively construction activity led to the creation of masons’ lodges using bricks fired from clay.

Church in Schaprode
Church of Schaprode (Rügen), built at the beginning of 13th century

Colonisation brought merchants and craftsmen to the country. They mainly settle in the Oder estuary to trade along the waterways and across the sea. Craftsmen organised in guilds became established in towns. They worked in highly specialised professions and often had export ambitions. Lively construction activity led to the creation of masons’ lodges using bricks fired from clay.

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