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Agriculture 1600 up to 1650

Low german house Schwerin-Mueß

At the end of the long, persistent agricultural boom there was an agricultural dualism between western and eastern Europe. East of the Elbe – also in Mecklenburg – stately self-run businesses became increasingly important and gradually superseded rural businesses.

Gützkow 1615 Stralsunder-Bilderhandschrift
Gützkow, 1615

A prolonged period of development in the agrarian economy culminates in a dichotomy between the farming situation to the east and the west of the river Elbe. The gentry largely produces to satisfy its own needs, displacing the local farming community. Farmers experience a sharp decline in their legal and social status, until they are finally coerced into serfdom. The 'Farmers and Shepherds Ordinance' of 1616 in Pomerania-Wolgast brings this process to its natural conclusion. Pomerania-Stettin follows suit.

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